[Third drug class] 30 tablets grace of Toshi

[Third drug class] 30 tablets grace of Toshi



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It to this
○ “that”, “it” has increased in conversation
Would ○ same thing to talk many times
○ word was perfect it is no longer come out a quick conversation

To improve the function relating to the storage regained the “original thought out power”, we will continue to improve the forgotten ones later in life.

It is recommended for those who feel the symptoms of forgetting those of middle age or later.
● “that” in conversation those who “it” has increased
● If you would do the same story over and over again
 To improve the function relating to the storage, you will regain your original “remember force”.
 Component of easy to take a small tablet the Onjiekisu, is a herbal formulation that was once more one tablet (three times a day).

※ “Toshi of grace” is not a pharmaceutical used for the treatment or prevention of dementia.