[Des. 2nd-Class OTC Drug] New Lulu A Gold DXα (90 Tablets)

[Des. 2nd-Class OTC Drug] New Lulu A Gold DXα (90 Tablets)



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● It is a total cold medicine that exerts excellent effect on all 11 symptoms of the hard cold.
● Anti-inflammatory component “Tranexamic acid” and antipyretic analgesic ingredient “acetaminophen” exerts an excellent effect on heat generation and fever.
● Sustained antihistamine component “Cremaz monfumarate”, parasympathetic blockade component “Beradonna Total Alkaloid” is doubled with runny nose and stuffy nose.
● The remarkin component “bromhexine hydrochloride” makes it easy to cause the cause of the cause.
● It is a small sugar coating lock that is not easy to take even if you are not good at medicine.

Weight 150 g