Kotobukiroen domestic beans tea tea pack 3g × 15 bags were

Kotobukiroen domestic beans tea tea pack 3g × 15 bags were



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EAN: N/A SKU: GQMM4NH7AA Categories:

○ This product is, by using the above-ground parts all the grass of the name was beans of domestic (white of beans), and finished with a more fragrant tea. Beans 75%, the other part (sheath, stems, leaves) and we use 25 percent. And savory roasted dried name was beans of domestic, it was in handy tea pack of “additive-free”, “non-caffeine”.
It was a convenient unbleached paper use of tea bags as for ○ teapot or boiled.
○ If the hot water 300ml about in one bag tea pack of teapot, if the boil in the kettle is the appropriate amount of hot water 700 ~ 800ml to one bag.

Weight 55 g