Nippon Pharmaceutical Kyushu Green Farm Usual Aojo Powder Type 3G × 50 Bags

Nippon Pharmaceutical Kyushu Green Farm Usual Aojo Powder Type 3G × 50 Bags



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· A gourge where all the family to drink every day every day using four kinds of Kyushu vegetables of commitment.
· Barley young leaves are said to be a taste like green tea, and this green juice is easy to drink, and it is a green juice that can be easily drinked from a small child to a senior one.
· Because it is packaged by one cup by one cup, it is not possible to quantify the amount of trouble, and it can be easily taken out of four kinds of Kyushu vegetables.
· In addition to water, please mix with milk, soy milk, yogurt, add honey, and try your favorite drink.

Weight 264 g