Super-Catekin Health Green Tea Triangular Pack 30 Bags

Super-Catekin Health Green Tea Triangular Pack 30 Bags



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EAN: N/A SKU: LWKPNKXNA3 Categories:

Ultrafine green tea SOD power
Easy to make green tea healthy power deliciously!

What is SOD (Super Oxide Gymstase)
It is a detoxification enzyme that neutralizes active oxygen coming out by stress or intense exercise,
Up to the age of 25, SOD is created in the body but after middle age,
Since the power to make SOD will decline, we can not even use active oxygen and accelerate aging
It may cause lifestyle-related diseases.
By keeping drinking “Super Catechin Health Green Tea”
You can take SOD-like titers (power to work with SOD).

【Manufacture name】
Corporation Bag Woegen Haruken Main Store Factory

Weight 184.8 g