[Des. 2nd-Class OTC Drug] Pabron Ace Pro Fine Grain (12 Packets)

[Des. 2nd-Class OTC Drug] Pabron Ace Pro Fine Grain (12 Packets)



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● Pabron Ace Pro tablets, the causative agent and clean the airway mucosal barrier to fight and repair of W care to ambroxol hydrochloride and L- carboxymethyl cysteine, the maximum amount of ibuprofen to block the original pain of heat and throat 600mg (as cold medicine Pabron daily dose) is compounded Pro prescription.
● adult (over 15 years old) representing the effect, such as the painful sore throat, cough, runny nose, fever of a dedicated cold medicine.
● I feel hard to fine granules 1 capsule grains coated bitter taste fine particles.