Description of item
“Hana clean S-only cleaning agent (nasal lavage) Salle S 1.5g × 50 encased” is a dedicated nose cleaner of Hana clean S. By adjusting the cleaning solution concentration in the human body fluids and the same degree of appropriate osmolarity, it will be suppressed irritation compared with the nasal wash of hot water only. Menthol, refreshing refreshing peppermint blended. Children, it will be safe to use in pregnant women. Aluminum pack individual packaging of one time that can be easily concentration adjustment.
how to use
And the hot water in the Hana clean S of the bottle (150ml) to the appropriate temperature (40-42 degrees), put 1 package the Salle S, tighten the bottle cap, should be washed from the mix lightly shaken. ● Salle S, please appropriate use based on the twice morning and evening daily. ● mouth, it will also be used for throat gargle. ● Salle S Hana clean series of nose cleaner EX, the time of your use in α, please use once 2 follicles (3g). ● Salle S You can use any number of times a day for those who in children and pregnancy.
● If you have cut the seal of the individual package, please fill up at one time. ● Keep out of the reach of children. ● Avoid direct sunlight, please keep in place with no moisture. ● When a terrible inflammation of the nasal mucosa should avoid use.