Horse oil & horse placenta face mask 50 pieces

Horse oil & horse placenta face mask 50 pieces



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Description of item

“Horse oil & horse placenta face mask” is, by blending the horse oil and horse placenta, is a face mask to adjust the texture and moisturize the skin. It is recommended to the bad dry skin and cosmetic glue.

Horse oil skin care
Horse oil is the fat of the closest component to the human sebum. Therefore, good compatibility with the skin, so to penetrate as horse ceramide to the stratum corneum, for us trimmed to a healthy shine skin supplement the sebum (Hoshimechikara) to be insufficient.

Nutrition in the horse oil and horse placenta
A treasure trove placenta extract of high horse oil nutrients and amino acids to enhance the metabolism of your skin, gives you the firmness and shine to your skin. Your skin well-equipped health and texture is cosmetic glue is good, it gives a beautiful glossy impression.

Weight 574.2 g