Minon amino Moist Purupuru moist skin mask planning product 22mL × 4 pieces

Minon amino Moist Purupuru moist skin mask planning product 22mL × 4 pieces



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EAN: N/A SKU: H6T3CGP7JK Categories:

“My Melody” a quantity limited article was designed to package! I finished in the lovely design every day of skin care becomes more fun.

To fresh skin enough to want to touch involuntarily. Moistened transparent feeling.

Will not stand out small wrinkles caused by drying (already efficacy evaluation test)
The stratum corneum function is likely to decrease to keep the water, supplemented with moisturizing ingredients that support the barrier function
Purupuru close contact with the gel is soaked in a soft sheet, it does not drip

●-free fragrance-free coloring ● weakly acidic ● alcohol (ethyl alcohol) additive-free ● paraben free ● UV absorber free ● Allergy tested ※ 1 ● patch tested ※ 2 ● stinging tested ※ 2 (tingling, use, such as tingling immediately after the test is ascertain the feeling of stimulation) ● continuous use tested by persons with sensitive skin, dry skin ※ 2

Weight 145.2 g